Zoo ATL Scaly Slimy Spectacular
Yesterday Zoo Atlanta held the media preview of their brand new exhibit “Scaly Slimy Spectacular: The Amphibian and Reptile Experience!” The #SSSpectacular opens to the public on April 2nd, 2015. We’ve been anticipating the completion of this project for almost a year now, so I was very excited to finally check it out!
The new exhibit was an $18 million dollar project and took almost two years to complete. This glass complex is the home to more than 70 species of animals. Amazingly there is about 60,000 gallons of water in the aquatic habitats inside the building. It also features a beautiful waterfall over the habitat of the Cuban crocodiles.
There are hands on, interactive game kiosks located throughout the experience. Each kiosk offers a unique educational experience, allowing the player to learn more about the animals and their habitats. The kids loved learning more about each animal and taking a closer look into their domain.
This Spectacular exhibit is a collection of animals from around the world that are vital to our ecosystem.This new Amphibian and Reptile Experience will replace the Zoo’s World of Reptiles, which also happens to be the oldest building on the grounds. This Copperhead snake is one of the 100 animals in the complex. You will also be able to see unique and rare frogs, lizards, salamanders, other species of snakes, turtles & tortoises, as well as the Cuban crocodiles.
A large percentage of the complex signage is entirely digital. The kids had a great time navigating the new building and learning all about each animal species.
You can check out the Scaly Slimy Spectacular at the Zoo’s Grand Opening Celebration on April 2nd, 2015. This exhibit is included in regular Zoo Atlanta admission and the building is located near The Ford African Rainforest. For more info on this Spectacular exhibit visit ZooAtlanta.org!
What’s your favorite reptile or amphibian to see at the Zoo?
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