Epilepsy Update: The Ketogenic Clinic
After waiting for weeks we were finally able to have my son seen in the Ketogenic Clinic for his epilepsy. He suffers from complex partial seizures that began when he was two years old and we’ve never been able to find a cause. We’ve suspected it has something to do with his diet but still haven’t been able to pinpoint this as the issue, even though he has seizures after he eats. He’s currently taking two different medications which equal 12 pills total daily and he has about 4-6 seizures a day. If you’ve never heard of the Ketogenic diet, it’s a diet used to control different illnesses with food. When the body produces ketones in the liver, it uses those as energy instead of carbs. Many epileptic children have used the Ketogenic diet to control their seizures and lots are able to wean their medications on it. The Ketogenic diet is one high in fat, moderate protein and almost no carbs. A regular diet consists of almost 300g of carbs a day. To keep him in ketosis, we have to shoot for around 30g of carbs per day and 75% of his diet has to be fat. Sounds easy right?!
For weeks leading up to this appointment we’ve removed all carbs from my son’s diet. This means he can’t have any fruit, rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, or anything sweet. Even certain vegetables like onions and peppers have carbs.
On most days my son has seizures normally after he eats or when he’s sleeping. I’m always listening for any abnormal bumping or noises coming from his room. I’m always on alert to run to his aid at a moment’s notice. When he’s having a seizure his safety is of upmost importance. It’s easy to get head injuries during a seizure. Watching a seizure happen is a scary time for our entire family and it’s something we experience multiple times a day.
At his Keto Clinic appointment we met with a neurologist, nurse and nutritionist. We discussed some of the things we’re already doing for his diet and what we need to do going forward. I have to more aggressively monitor the amount of foods he’s eating and count how many grams of fat, protein and carbs he has at every meal. He needs a lot more healthy fats than anything else that he’s eating. He’s already been eating organic coconut oil straight from the jar, but we still have to bump it up a bit.

We had to do a big round of blood work, order a new MRI, and now write down everything he eats in grams and every seizure he has. In addition to this I have to check the ketones in his urine twice a day with ketosis test strips. The blood work will be checking for any genetic disorders which could be the cause of his seizures. We’re also beginning the process of weaning him from one of his medications. Some of the side effects are memory loss, speech impairment and confusion with a host of others, but those are the three that are most affecting him now. It will take a few months to wean him fully from the medicine.
This is all certainly a lot for our family to take in, but we’re willing to do whatever it takes to get him healthy. He is such a brilliant child and the sweetest of my three. I will keep you guys updated as we progress through this journey.
Aaronica Cole
October 19, 2016 at 8:55 amI’m praying for you guys. And if there’s anything you think I can help with, please just let me know.
October 19, 2016 at 9:27 amI’m so glad you guys finally got in! Hopefully you will get answers soon!
October 19, 2016 at 9:38 amAwwww Doobs! I pray for all of you daily. So glad this part of the journey has finally begun. Hoping you get all the answers you need and this brilliant and kind little guy is seizure free soon.
October 19, 2016 at 9:55 amWow Ashely! I am glad that you are were able to get into the center and prayerfully this is will be the answer you need. You are a great mom and I will continue to pray for your family.
October 19, 2016 at 10:15 amI am praying that you guys will find the right diet. Thanks for the update.
October 19, 2016 at 11:35 amI pray that this is the thing you all need that will turn everything around for your son. This sounds like a great place with so many helpful resources. I can’t wait to read about his continued progress, this is gonna be great!
October 19, 2016 at 11:37 amPraying for your family! xoxo
October 19, 2016 at 11:40 amThank you so much for the update Ashley. You shared with me before the struggles you were having with your son and I am genuinely sorry this is happening to him. He is a strong boy and you are a strong mom. I know this is stressful for both you and him.
I pray a solution comes soon but thanks again for being candid and maybe your story with you son can help others! I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!
October 19, 2016 at 12:59 pmSo happy you all were finally able to be seen. I’m willing that the solution to what is causing his seizures can be found. Strength and love to you as you continue on this journey.
P.S. Appointments with my sons endocrinologist at CHOA can take months too if we happen to miss an appointment. I’ll do everything in my power to never miss an appointment again.
Maryium Sowah
October 19, 2016 at 5:23 pmYou are all in my prayers! I love how proactive you are being at targeting root problems instead of depending on medications. Multiple seizures daily is certainly a LOT! Looking forward to hearing some recovery news, he is such a beautiful boy.
October 19, 2016 at 7:24 pmI’m so glad you had this appointment! I’m praying for more answers and strategies for you and me your sweet boy. You are doing great, Mama.
October 20, 2016 at 4:03 amHi Ashely — Not sure if you have tried essential oils. You should read about Frankincense and discuss with your son’s doctors. Here’s an article: https://www.davidwolfe.com/seizures-epilepsy-frankincense-oil/ Good luck and I hope all is resolved much sooner than you imagine.
October 21, 2016 at 5:42 amJust looking and his pictures I can tell how sweet he is! I am glad you are finally on your way into the process of starting the ketogenic diet and I am hopeful that it will work for him!
Joyce Brewer
November 10, 2016 at 11:20 amI’ll continue to pray for your family to find a healthy solution with fewer medications.